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French Cremora tart

French Cremora Tart

Shish what a week... thank goodness for heritage day, if I was only in SA. A Good braai would've cured my blues for sure. I am still recovering from our trip to Italy. I jumped right in to this week with a blooming cold. I kinda missed posting yesterday, so forgive me. This dessert just has to do for the weekend. It's easy, tasty and light. Just the way a Cremora tart should be.

It certainly is one of my favourite "easy to make desserts". I've added a French twist to it, by adding the very popular Speculoos biscuit to it. Speculoos is a subtle ginger biscuit that is mostly served with coffee. My sister in law goes nuts for the crunchy Speculoos spread that is only found in Spain. Spoon by spoon gets devoured. I like to use these biscuits as a replacement for tennisbiscuits, because it gives the same kind of texture to fridge tarts.

Before I tell you more about the recipe let me tell you about my week...

I have started with french class again, just for three weeks though. Tramming in every morning which roughly takes me about an hour in total to get to class.I drive to the nearest tramline and take the tram. It just baffles my minds how easy the public transport is here. It does have dodgy people hanging around, maybe one of them has my Iphone5 in his back pocket...

Anyway there are all kinds of people taking the tram. Families, kids going to school and loads of elderly people. All with earphones on and staring out of the tam windows. I was surprised to see quite a few young women, with backpacks and hitchhiking boards. Imagine traveling alone in Europe and hitchhiking. If your from South Africa your probably thinking, Insane right?!! But to some there is no other option, roughing it is the way to go.

There are apps like Couchsurfing, that I have only heard of this week. You can contact people that let you stay at their place for free when you visit their city, but obviously you have to do the same for them. Living on the best kind of recources that you can find. Some are just thankful for a bed at night. That made me realise that being thankful is something we forget. We get accustomed to a certain "rate" by which we live by, if heritage day of whatever day didn't make you appreciate your life, then I don't know what will. Not everyone has it as good. I am going to Stop and appreciate.

With that said...I will tell you all about my Italy trip, I promise. Let me just get through the editing of photos, vids and my French homework. For starters try My French Cremora tart...


1 can of Condensed milk

200ml lemon juice

1 cup of Cremora or coffee creamer

1 cup cold water

1/2 cup butter

1 packet of Speculoos biscuits or ginger biscuits


1. Crush the biscuits into crumbs and melt the butter in die microwave.

2. Add the butter to the biscuits and mix till nicely combined, press half of the mixture into a dish of you're choosing. Place in the fridge.

3. Then mix together the creamer and the cold water.

4. Add the condensed milk.

5. Gradually add the lemon juice until the mixture thickens.

6. Pour half of the condensed milk mixture onto the biscuit base.

7. Sprinkle on the rest of the biscuit mixture and finish off with the last bit of condensed milk layer.

8. Decorate with ginger biscuit crumbs.

9. Place in the fridge for a few hours, serve with sweet tea.

Bon weekend!


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